Browse Items (4735 total)

  • Collection: The Vermont Music Archive Catalog

That's Retail -- Sparky's Garage -- Every November -- Rush Hour -- Bob's Trucks -- Equal Opportunity -- Remembering -- Dark Things -- Imagination

Noise -- Meatface -- Playing With Knobs -- Freaks For The Festival -- Systems -- Island Nation -- Black Sabbath -- Crispy Locust -- Bad Mama Jamma

Moanin' -- Confirmation -- Blue In Green -- Gloria's Step -- Joy Spring -- Peggy's -- Nothing Personal -- Cogswell -- Caravan -- Fables of Faubus -- King Kong

Billie's Bounce -- Blue In Green -- Milestones -- Cogswell -- Recordame -- Moanin' -- Confirmation -- Donna Lee -- Round Midnight -- Stolen Moments

Julius -- Down With Disease -- If I Could -- Axilla [Part II] -- Lifeboy -- Sample In A Jar -- Wolfman's Brother -- Scent Of A Mule -- Dog Faced Boy -- Demand -- Split Open And Melt Jam -- Yerushalayim Shel Zahav -- The Old Home Place -- Amazing…

Drum Blessing -- Second Line -- Neverness -- Echoes of Boat People -- Saturn -- Beans and Rice -- Celebrate

Angels + Demons at Play -- You Made A Mistake -- I'll Wait For You -- Dancing Shadows -- Pathology -- Seven For Neon -- Baby Baby -- Champions -- Shadow World

John Hardy -- Slipped Disk -- Hold to A Dream -- Hubbleville -- Midnight on the Highway -- Touch and Go -- Hard Hearted -- Abdul's -- Weekly Time -- Tiramisu -- I Lied -- Caravan -- One Way Rider -- Monkey Wrench -- Same Old South -- Sunday Driver

Blue Moon Day -- Aliens Among Us -- Dear God I'm Crazy -- I Find It Really Maddening -- Doorway to Pellucidar -- Smilin' For No Good Reason -- Filler: Genius Magnets 12-22-96 II Muddy Waters, Burlington

Yardbird Suite -- Nozanina -- Stockholm Smokepipe -- Milestones in the Sunshine -- Ballad for Gordon Stone -- Opera -- Nardis -- Long Goodbye -- Contois -- Monkey Blake -- Mandoneion -- Country Open

Double Agent -- The Opera -- Jovan -- Nozanina -- The Sabre Dance -- The Gourd -- Barber's Hint -- Ballad For Trio -- Contois -- Mandoneon

The Gourd -- That's Retail -- Milestones in the Sunshine -- So What? -- Big Phil's Party -- Mandoneon -- The Country Open -- Filler: John Coltrane

C Jam Blues -- Magilla -- Caravan -- Bewitched -- Samba De Orphens -- Billie's Bounce -- Footprint -- The Country Open -- Donna Lee -- On Green Dolphin Street -- Jump Monk
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